Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Speculation: Festival Horse Appearances

I've picked up both the Harvest Brew Goat and Harvest Brew Steed recently from the recent in-game events. After having a close look at the steed, it appears all the bits of his barding might have been designed in such a way that it can translate over to the warsteed cosmetics system.

The caparison, halter and leg pieces look like they can all be taken right off the festival mount, and put on a warsteed in the future. This gives me a little hope as one of the things I really would like to see in the future after the release of RoR is the ability to get Festival gear for my warsteed, rather than a festival mount, or at least the ability to use Snout's clothes on my warsteed if I so choose.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Poll: What about warsteeds are you most excited for?

If you have a look at the very top of the right-hand sidebar you will see a poll asking the question: "what about warsteeds are you most excited for?" 

If you choose other please comment on this post explaining! 


Sig's trusty steed "Pathfinder" gets some upgraded gear!


A sweet video from PVMPAndang showing mounted combat against warbands. Check it out!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Warsteed Bridles Video

While browsing around YouTube for videos regarding Warsteeds and Mounted Combat, I have come across a channel that has a lot of good content. 

Here is one of the videos there that is full of great information regarding the Legendary Bridles that you can get and equip on your Warsteed. Go check it out!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Friday, September 14, 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Turbine Dev Diary: Warsteed

This is THE development diary for Riders of Rohan I have been waiting for, and I am pretty excited to see it. I have to admit that it contains less information than I was hoping for, but on the other hand I am actually skipping the beta invite so that I have more surprise when the content goes live. I guess the fact the diary does not contain a whole lot of information is good, from that viewpoint.

The diary goes on to explain the three main types of warsteed, the Courser, the Rouncey and the Destrier; and will give you an idea of what sort you want for your particular class. As well as giving  information on the various trait trees available to each type of steed.

If you're at all interested in knowing more about warsteeds, check out the development diary at the link above!

Welcome to WARSTEEDS

Hullo and welcome to WARSTEEDS.COM!

This is a Lord of the Rings Online fansite that is all to do with the new and upcoming warsteed system that will be included in the Riders of Rohan Expansion Pack. You can expect to find various things here, including but not limited to: guides, articles, opinion pieces, screen shots and even a warsteed cosmetics section highlighting reader's very own warsteeds.

Please note that Google/Blogger is having some issue with mapping domain names (WARSTEEDS.COM) to blogger sites. Until this is fixed and even after, you will always be able to access this site via, and once it's fixed WARSTEEDS.COM will work too!